Creativity goes hand in hand with a ‘future’ ready business

We are frequently asked to be creative or apply creative thinking in the work we do or even the lives we lead. A common mistake made by many, is understanding what creativity is and how to go about delivering it, it’s definitely not something…

Overview of Algeria’s PR market

The corporate communications and public relations market in Algeria is still relatively underdeveloped. Therein lies a paradox, because Algeria has probably one of the highest level of press freedom in the whole MEA region, but at the same time…

TV & Content Trends

It’s a common misconception that TV is a ‘dying’ media form.   In fact, recent studies have shown that more and more video content is being consumed than ever before, increasing 13% year on year to just over 10.5 hours of media content…

Three top trend predictions for 2018

Reputation is important as ever, new technologies are evolving at an unprecedented rate, and there’s an undeniable shift in the way communication works in the business world. Here are three of the top trends we predict to see developing in…

Un-Box Your Agency and Set It Free

We all know that the marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years and continues to evolve at rapid pace. Agencies have had to evolve too but many brands still keep them in their old silos and have not updated their perception…

How to choose the best agency partner

The close of Q4 means it’s time to take a look at those 2018 budgets. Where will you spend your marketing dollars? If you are like most of our incoming clients over the past few months, you are very likely looking into retaining an agency…

2018 PR & Communications predictions

A New Year – like a fresh start – is always exciting. Sometimes that excitement might be tempered by nervousness. After all, 2018 holds a lot of challenges for businesses – particularly if you take a global overview. But, I think this…

Predictions for 2018

ROI, ROI, ROI Demonstrating a tangible return on investment will be critical in 2018. With clients looking to demonstrate more bang for their buck – and to appease multiple stakeholders – it will be more important than ever before to…

PR Trends for 2018

Content Marketing: While content marketing has been the norm for a lot of companies and agencies, 2018 will see Context marketing really come to the forefront. Context marketing simply means delivering the right message (content) to…

Trends in the PR industry to watch for in 2018

Edward Bernays, the father of Public Relations, defines its functions in three simple acts- inform people, persuade people and integrate people with people. As people and their preferences changed, we saw the industry evolve and saw new channels…

Trends for 2018 – Agencies Must Wake Up To Their Own Influence

Agencies Must Wake Up To Their Own Influence It’s wake-up time for PR in the Middle East, and 2018 should be the year when agencies take more control over issues impacting their business. Top of the agenda is the prickly question of…

Five Communications Trends Set to Shape 2018

Over the past 12 months a number of prominent trends have shaped the way companies reach customers and stakeholders, from the growth of live video to micro-influencers. And while these are set to remain powerful forces, in an ever-changing environment,…