‘Creativity – transform your capability’ be more strategic, be smarter using Chat GPT
InsightsNew tools like Chat GPT make doing creativity easier but means you have to be smarter about how to manage and deliver your creative potential to gain a competitive edge.
Discover why you need to be creatively smarter even though new tools like…

What PR Pros need to know about working with startups
InsightsYou’re just part of the orchestra
As many PR professionals will attest, the type of client you work for can completely change your approach to PR. The most successful clients become engaged partners who collaborate to get the best results.…

Top tips for PR professionals starting their careers
InsightsStarting a new career – whether you’ve just graduated from university or are having a career change – can be very daunting. You’re entering a whole different world that’s full of new information and new people, and it can be difficult…

In the AI era, how can technology brands cut through the noise?
InsightsAs a Technology team here at Zeno London, each week we discuss stories that have hit the media and the learnings we can take from these to help the brands we work with. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that over 90% of the stories the…

Apple’s mixed reality at least gives us a place in the future
InsightsAnd so it begins. Apple opens the gateway to mixed reality. The Vision Pro could revolutionise how humanity enters virtual worlds. The Times chose to hide the story inside in favour of a page one splash about AI ‘killing humans’. Plus ca…

Thought Leadership that actually Leads
InsightsThought leadership has gained significant prominence in recent years, particularly in the realm of business marketing and public relations. By creating content that provides valuable insights and perspectives on industry trends, policy changes,…

The Importance of Influencer Marketing
InsightsThe power and importance of influencer marketing is undoubtedly (still) on the rise, thanks to the central role that social media and the creator economy now play in our daily lives. The size of the market is difficult to quantify because it’s…

How PR Can Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy
InsightsWhen we started DUO Marketing and Communications back in 2004, we knew that specialising in the Tech industry was a risky strategy but that ultimately it would differentiate us and that it has!
19 years later, most of our new clients come…

The Pressures of ‘Hyper Success’ In a Digital Age & Its Impact on PR Industry Newcomers
InsightsThe allure of achieving remarkable success over a short timespan has captivated many. With a regular influx on social media of achievements and highlights of peers that flood our feeds, it’s difficult to not feel inadequate or that you may…

War of the Words
InsightsArtificial Intelligence is taking the world by storm. Tools such as ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing have dominated the headlines in recent weeks. However, the news hasn’t always been positive. The emergence of ChatGPT has generated a myriad…