AI and PR – a Powerful Partnership

It’s all changing. PR pros today are applauding the integration of AI into PR services – symbolizing a major shift in the way these services are offered.

Let’s take a look at just 3 AI-led capabilities that are influencing the PR industry:

1. Thanks to AI algorithms we can get better intel about consumer behaviours; thereby allowing us to fine tune our messages and define our demographics.

2. AI allows us to concentrate on more strategic aspects of our content instead of technical issues. It helps us craft content for various platforms which in turn have better impact with our audiences.

3. Now we can measure the impact more accurately. With the analytics from AI tools we can now get a thorough assessment of a campaign’s performance. This allows us to change strategies if need be.

In reality, AI along with digital media and data analytics have been a big boost for PR campaigns. They arm PR professionals with the weapons to connect with audiences more effectively and even prepare them more effectively for crisis situations where making the right decisions is of the utmost importance. There is no doubt that technology is influencing the way we communicate, share information, manage reputations and engage with our audiences.
AI in essence gives PR professionals the technological edge. Given the unparalleled data bank access that AI can provide us with, it can perhaps assist in defining target audiences. It can also assist in supporting research efforts in the early stages of campaigns whilst monitoring the progress.
In real terms this technological breakthrough helps PR professionals embrace digital advancements, leverage social media platforms, influencer marketing and data analytics which in turn maximizes engagement, reach, and campaign effectiveness.

AI and PR – a powerful collaboration
The synergy between PR and AI is dramatically changing the way we communicate and engage. It comes equipped with tools that provide real-time data, track mentions, analyze responses and enhance campaign effectiveness. AI systems can even identify and recommend influencers and hence help us to refine our media strategies. The collaboration of AI and PR quite simply helps PR firms to make data-driven decisions!

Here’s some advantages of the collaboration
• Strong Data insights. AI analyses data rapidly and provides data-driven insights that influences strategies for PR campaigns.
• AI tools are a blessing for PR professionals when it comes to media monitoring across a wide media landscape.
• As mentioned earlier AI has the power to identify relevant influencers thereby enabling more targeted and personalized messaging to specific audiences.
• By employing AI, PR firms can optimize media strategies and plans and identify topics that are trending – which leads to more effective campaigns.
• Real-time engagement like never before. This is a big bonus that AI’s automated systems bring. It helps PR professionals examine customer sentiments and provide personalized experiences on digital platforms at a speed we’ve never experienced before.

Given the benefits of AI tools discussed above, there is no argument that it is a major asset for PR professionals – opening up a whole new world of opportunities.

Contributed by Hilmarie Hutchison, CEO of Matrix Public Relations