Date(s) - 01/02/2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Overview
The webinar covers:
Stakeholder mapping: different messages for different audiences
Ascertaining USPs or Primary Differentiation. The Arielle Jackson Technique
What makes a successful media message? Seven Key Criteria
Avoiding jargon, corporate-speak and obscurity
Securing clients’ approval: a method for presenting media messages
Testing media messages before deployment
Monitoring and evaluating media messages’ effectiveness
How and when to review the media message set
The webinar gives examples to illustrate its recommendations. Participants can download a set of notes and check-lists afterwards.
Who should attend:
This course is aimed at anyone writing media material or content.
How attendees will benefit:
The attendees will get a better understanding of how to translate what clients want to say into what the media wants to hear.
What attendees will learn:
The attendees will learn how to persuade clients to adopt messages that will interest their media customers.
- Hard copy (or online copy) of the Powerpoint slide deck
- List of relevant books, articles, sites and blogs
- Checklists, cue-sheets and fast-facts where appropriate
- Email address for questions after the course
The presenter is Adrian Wheeler, former CEO of GCI UK, who started out as a local newspaper reporter. He is the author of two PRCA Practice Guides: ‘Crisis Communications Management’ and ‘Writing for the Media’, both published by Emerald Worldwide.
Advertising agencies are brilliant at coming up with memorable messages which stay in our minds and change our perceptions. PR agencies are less skilled in this area, and it’s a problem. The heart of a PR programme which changes behaviour is – just as in advertising – a strong, sticky message.
This webinar offers tried-and-tested techniques for generating creative messages that work. Some are drawn from the world of advertising, others from best practice in UK and US PR companies. All will help PRCA members overcome the problem of media messages which clients like but which don’t achieve cut-through with media and stakeholder audiences.
Bookings are closed for this event.