Date(s) - 08/02/2024
2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
In this course we will explore how to connect and communicate with impact. Matt will share unique new insights which uncover a primal mode of communication that predates language, and is the root through which people bond, connect and ‘have a sense’ about something. Going beyond Emotional Intelligence (EQ), this primal mode of communication outweighs the spoken word, and is critical in all facets of communication and leadership. This ground-breaking session fuses Matt’s research on the neuroscience behind communicating with power and impact, his learnings on emotion from living with the isolated Mentawai tribe and a decade’s experience of leading global communications agencies. An inspiring and truly eye-opening session for anyone from new manager to CEO.
Event Type: Classroom
Address: Virtual Classroom, Virtual Classroom
Trainer: Matt Richards MPRCA
Event Overview
How will attendees benefit
Delegates will walk away with:
- An understanding of the latest neuroscience behind how your brain works, and how to apply this new understanding in both communicating more powerfully, and making decisions more effectively.
- An understanding of the key elements of emotional intelligence, your own EQ strengths and development areas, and techniques to take back to the workplace.
- An understanding of how you can access the primal mode of communication, which predates language, and is the root through which people bond, connect and ‘have a sense’ about something. This primal mode of communication is more influential than the spoken word, and is critical in all facets of communication and leadership, and will add power, potency and impact to your leadership approach and client interactions.
What will attendees learn
- This is a really thought-provoking, experiential course which will challenge and profoundly develop the way delegates communicate. On the course, delegates will learn and experience that all people have a latent ability to communicate primally, which is almost invariably neglected, but is in fact the most potent communications tool in everyone’s’ armoury!
- We explore how this mode of communication is more deeply rooted in our psyche than spoken language which has only existed relatively recently – perhaps as little as 50,000 years ago.
- We explore the power of primal communication and what it enables, and delegates are taught how to tap into more primal communication modes. Key tools to help build primal connection are examined and delegates select techniques to practice and also examine how these news tools can further improve their communication and influence at work.
- Delegates will learn the memorable and influential Triune Brain neuroscientific model of how the brain works, and how this can make communication complex. This is a much more rigorous, accurate and useful model than other tools in the public domain such as The Chimp Paradox.
- Delegates will take part in an experiential exercise where they learn about the four dimensions of emotional intelligence (EQ), assess their EQ and explore, and are guided on, how they can improve it.
- In the final exercise a range of leadership styles are introduced and explored. Delegates identify their typical style, its strengths and weaknesses. The obstacles between present reality and future-self are examined and strategies to overcome them developed.
What materials will attendees receive
Attendees will receive a toolkit of Beyond Emotional Intelligence techniques to assist them implement the new skills they have learnt in their work environment, as well as the offer of further coaching.
Bookings are closed for this event.