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Date(s) - 03/09/2024
12:30 pm - 8:00 pm



This two-day intensive seminar is designed to equip account executives / managers in agencies or PR teams to handle digital PR and communications professionally. Day One focusses on Creativity + Social Media as well as Running Integrated PR Campaigns. Day Two concentrates on Understanding the Digital Native & Proving Return on Investment and How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge.

All attendees will receive a PRCA PR and Communications Digital Diploma upon completing the two-day masterclass.

Event Type: Classroom

Address: Virtual Classroom, Virtual Classroom

Trainer: Danny Whatmough MPRCA & Candace Kuss MPRCA & Steve Dunne MPRCA & Katie King MPRCA

Event Overview

Session summary:

There are two major problems for brands or organisations undertaking a digital PR campaign. How to get the target audience to take meaningful actions as a result of the campaign and how to measure, in an effective manner, the campaign in a way that clearly illustrates return on investment.

So, understanding how people consume digital content, how they deal with information overload and what makes them take action is vital for your digital campaign.

And, with digital campaigns often taking huge amounts of time and resource to create implement and manage proving the return on investment is absolutely vital.

This session walks delegates through the mind-set of the digital consumer and how to prove the success of the campaign in a meaningful way.

The session will cover:

How the human brain works with digital information and how people take information in.
The importance of conversational marketing in digital content
Segmenting your digital audience by behaviour
The digital adoption curve and how to manage it within your strategy
The difference between male and female in use of digital and consumption of content and why different content works or fails
Social media brand behaviour – why brands get it wrong and make their campaigns ineffective.
How to measure the digital campaign
Tricks, tips and tolls in evaluating a digital campaign.
The latest industry thinking in digital evaluation
The true way to evaluate a digital campaign.
Delegates will receive a comprehensive set of notes from the session

DAY ONE – AFTERNOON SESSION: Inspiration and Application (Creativity + Social Media) – Candace Kuss MPRCA

The session will cover:

Hero, Hub + Hygiene content defined
Why brands need Hero content online
Attributes of a creative idea
Social behaviour vs social platforms
What goes viral and why
Award-winning case studies
Dissecting a campaign
Creativity + Influencer Marketing
Social Influence — followers vs fanatics
Trends + Predictions

DAY TWO – MORNING SESSION: Running Integrated PR Campaigns – Danny Whatmough MPRCA

Session summary:

How often do you find yourself using the same tried and tested approach for running PR campaigns? Did you know that generally campaigns that utilise two or more channels perform better? This session will look at the role of digital in integrated campaign planning. It will guide you through pulling together a campaign that delivers on business objectives and that serves the right content to the right audience at the right time, using all the channels at your disposal, not just the tried and tested ones. Through a combination of best practice learning and a dummy brief, participants will be able to put their new learnings to the test, immediately. All participants will receive a workbook detailing the templates and approaches they can undertake to run integrated campaigns.

The session will cover:

An overview of the macro behavioural trends that make integrated campaigns a necessity
Using earned, owned and paid together to optimise digital PR campaigns
Constructing a campaign from insight and strategy through to creative and execution
Using audience datasets and insight
Picking the right channels
Optimising creative to work for your channel plan
Building asset briefs that deliver for your channels
Integrating effective measurement into your approach
Identifying how channels work together

DAY TWO – AFTERNOON SESSION: Harnessing AI for competitive advantage – Katie King MPRCA

Session summary:

There a huge amount of hype surrounding AI, as it’s in the Gartner phase of ‘peak of inflated expectation.’ By comparison, Katie King will share the evidence and insights drawn from the extensive research she conducted for her new business book.

Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge, has already received impressive appraisals from Nike, Nestle and The Chartered Institute of Marketing.

During this workshop, Katie will share these real-world examples, both successes and failures, as well as practical implementation strategies, based on her 30 years’ experience in PR.

The session will cover:

The business case for AI
Powerful use cases of AI in PR and marketing
Key vendors and tech disruptors
Innovation and change management
Strategy and preparedness: applying this to your business
Scorecard for success
The wider battle for trust, transparency and ethics.
Benefits and the outcomes of the workshop:

A range of both strategic and tactical insights drawn from the world’s best analyst firms, AI companies and tech disruptors
Insights from use cases of AI
A practical framework for success, to guide the management team
Best practice and learnings from other delegates via the facilitated sessions
An honest, current view of the real impact of AI today and into the future.
Practical exercise:

Group exercise: how might AI affect your company: impact on culture, structure, departmental collaboration, hiring, training and KPIs
Creating a watching brief for ongoing innovation
Delegates will receive Katie’s Scorecard for Success, from her book, Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge

The trainers will include:

Danny Whatmough MPRCA:

Danny Whatmough has led social campaigns for some of the world’s leading brands including IBM, P&G, Nestle, Unilever, Motorola and Electrolux. He previously headed social media for Ketchum’s P&G business, covering 14 P&G brands including Head & Shoulders, Pantene, and Olay.

In August 2014 he moved to Weber Shandwick to head up digital for consumer but this year was promoted to Managing Director, Integrated Media at Weber Shandwick. In the last year he has led key social media wins for the agency including Vauxhall. He also chairs the PRCA’s Digital Group and sits on the social media measurement committee at AMEC

Candace Kuss MPRCA:

Candace Kuss is a creative consultant and brand strategist. She is a digital and integrated marketing expert with an unparalleled multi-disciplinary agency background.

Candace spent twelve years as the Director of Social Media for H+K and was honoured to be named as an Innovator 25 by the Holmes Report. She was recruited to London as a Creative Director for Ogilvy, and was a SVP/Creative Director at Digitas in Boston and San Francisco.

Candace is an active member of the Advisory Board for Creative Equals and was the founding member of the WPP Stella women’s leadership group. She is the Co-Chair of the PRCA Digital Group and is an instructor for their Training Courses . Candace is a frequent speaker and award show judge for global industry events, including VidCon, Cannes Lions, Dubai Lynx, Young Lions and D&AD New Blood. She is a blogger, podcaster and licensed mudlark. Find her @CandaceKuss.

Steve Dunne MPRCA:

Steve Dunne has been involved in creating, implementing and managing digital PR campaigns since 2007. During that time, Steve has managed campaigns across the private and public sector including working with some of the UK’s leading FMCG brands, banks, airlines, tour operators and hotel brands. Steve has also managed several digital crises for major organisations.

Steve s a Fellow of the PRCA, deputy chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Travel Industry Group and is chairman and CEO of three marketing communications consultancies.

Katie King MPRCA:

Katie King is a published Author, Keynote Speaker and Consultant on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital transformation.

Katie was recently appointed to the UK Government All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) task force for the enterprise adoption of AI.

Katie is the author of Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge, published by Kogan Page in February 2019.

Katie has 30 years’ experience in PR and has advised many of the world’s leading brands and business leaders, including Richard Branson/Virgin, o2, Orange, Accenture, PA Consulting, Huawei, Arsenal Football Club and Harrods.

Katie has delivered two TEDx talks and is a frequent commentator on BBC TV and radio.


Bookings are closed for this event.