Date(s) - 19/11/2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Overview
PRCA COVID-19 Global Taskforce Chairman Tony Langham has led a global project gathering best advice from communications leaders across the world. In total 74 contributions from 21 countries were received and the report, including all contributions in full, will be published by the PRCA on Monday, 16th November.
Join us at 13:00 (UK GMT) on 19th November for a special event featuring four of the contributors who’ll be debating the results and discussing the implications of the study for communications professionals around the world. The event will begin with a presentation summarising the research by Tony Langham.
Tony Langham, Chief Executive and Co-founder, Lansons (Chair)
Shih-Huei Ang, CEO and Co-founder, Klareco
Madan Bahal, Co-founder and Managing Director, Adfactors PR
David Gallagher, President EMEA, Omnicom PR Group
Mary Beth West, Senior Strategist, Fletcher Marketing PR